Washington Township - 1779
Township CodeCalendar

11798 Buchanan Trail E., Waynesboro, PA 17268

Phone: (717) 762-3128

Fax: (717) 788-0372

Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 4:30 pm


Voter Information

Franklin County voter information such as polling places, precincts and voter registration.

All County Polling Ward Locations

Absentee Ballot Information

Click here to go to the Franklin County, PA voter information page.

Click here to go to the Franklin County, PA VOTER Registration page.

Washington Township Polling Place Locations by Precinct

Precinct Location
Washington 1 — Church of Transfiguration, 13646 Summit Avenue, Blue Ridge Summit, PA
Washington 2 — Rouzerville Community Center (Ruritan), 11962 Old Route 16, Rouzerville, PA
Washington 3 — Church of the Apostles, 336 Barnett Avenue, Wayne Heights, PA
Washington 4 — Zullinger Community Center, 4569 Buchanan Trail East, Zullinger, PA
Washington 5 — Waynesboro Bible Church, 8216 Stottlemyer Road, Waynesboro, PA